Michael's Monthly Recommendations (December 2018)

Michael Fairley

04 Jan 2019

I read, watch, listen to, play, and use a ton of different things, and each month, I pick out a few of my favorites to recommend.

Keep your eyes peeled over the next few days for my first Yearly Recommendations! I’ll talk about some long term changes I’ve made over the past year that I can wholeheartedly recommend.

Spaceman   Mike Massimino
“Mass” tells all about his path (academically, professionally, physically, and personally) into the astronaut program, the years of training he went through to prepare for going to space, and the two space shuttle missions he crewed on (including fantastic accounts of his spacewalks to perform repairs on the Hubble Telescope).
If you think that human space flight is even the tiniest bit awesome, you’ll definitely enjoy this astronaut memoir.

It is time for a thread on traditional urbanism, or town planning 13th century style.  @wrathofgnon
Interesting rant (with lots of photos to demonstrate its points) about ways in which older towns that grew organically are superior to modern, heavily planned cities.

Atomic Habits   James Clear
Brief and straightforward guide on how to build good habits (and break bad ones), with an emphasis on using strategies that don’t require using “willpower”.

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